Monday, January 31, 2011

Still freezing

Brrr its frrrreezzzing!!!
Brrr todae morning was so cold that i was freezing even when i haven bath yet, when i bath the water was like ice water n i kept on shivering.After that i wear my uniform n of to school with my jacket on because it was still freezing, i feel like not wanting to go to skool because if feel like going back to sleep but i jus force myself n go. School todae was boring because i did not hav the mood to study, the reason is obviously i was freezing so i don feel like learning n math lesson i got scolded by my teacher because for not doing the class test, hais well i can't blame him because it is also my fault for not asking him about the class test. After skool there's LSP(Learning Support Program) its was so boring but no choice hav to go if not i'll get punished,todae LSP lesson is to do your work n hand up if haven finish den u will hav to finish it before u can go lucky i got my frens Danda n Nash to help me with the work. Well tats all cya^__^

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